The Journaler

This, in some ways, is a window to my soul: my book is open. This is an honest reflection where I embrace the highs and lows, ups and downs, roller coaster of emotions I am often riding, the good, the bad, and the extremely ugly...but this is me, and this is my adventure...By revealing myself honestly I hope to inspire and encourage, because we all struggle sometimes and it's nice to know we're not alone. This is my experience as a small town girl living in a big city, trying to make my way while taking lots and lots of detours...

March 12, 2011

Tsunamis and Devastation Has Got Me Down.

CNN Live just said it: "These natural disasters do seem to be happening much more frequently."

Please view these shocking pictures of the devastation in Japan. I can't help but ask, "what the hell is going on!?" And so many of these natural disasters are happening in impoverished areas, it's just so sad. My heart goes out to the families and individuals affected by the monstrous quake. I wish I had money to donate, but thoughts, prayers, hope, and awareness is the least I can offer for now.

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