The Journaler

This, in some ways, is a window to my soul: my book is open. This is an honest reflection where I embrace the highs and lows, ups and downs, roller coaster of emotions I am often riding, the good, the bad, and the extremely ugly...but this is me, and this is my adventure...By revealing myself honestly I hope to inspire and encourage, because we all struggle sometimes and it's nice to know we're not alone. This is my experience as a small town girl living in a big city, trying to make my way while taking lots and lots of detours...

May 3, 2011

FUNNY YouTube!!

I know this is a lazy thing for a blogger to do, but truth be told, I just don't really feel like blogging today, yesterday, and possibly tomorrow. There is much to write about, but unfortunately I feel like I've exuded too much mental energy the last few days and I just don't want to force it.

So this is a bit of fluff, but it is FUNNY and relevant to my recent traffic citation. This YouTube star Natalie Duran, i.e. "Ndtitanlady" shows us the humor in unfortunate circumstances such as a bloody ticket. Unfortunately I'm not talented enough to make a video, which is undoubtedly better than my rant, but hey, whatever works!

Please watch, I promise it will make you Laugh Out Loud! And I know some of you, myself included, could definitely use a good laugh....

I Got A Traffic Ticket

1 comment:

  1. that was hilarious, Eliza, just what I needed...that chick is FUNNY!
