The Journaler

This, in some ways, is a window to my soul: my book is open. This is an honest reflection where I embrace the highs and lows, ups and downs, roller coaster of emotions I am often riding, the good, the bad, and the extremely ugly...but this is me, and this is my adventure...By revealing myself honestly I hope to inspire and encourage, because we all struggle sometimes and it's nice to know we're not alone. This is my experience as a small town girl living in a big city, trying to make my way while taking lots and lots of detours...

May 24, 2011


So, I have started a cleanse. I'm not sure if it will be a good thing or a bad thing. Which cleanse you ask? Well, it's a tweaked version of the Mastercleanse...ya know, that psychotic lemonade thing only crazy people do; yeah, that one. Why oh why you ask??? Well it is summer, and I've been feeling a bit tired and low lately, so I felt like a cleanse might just help.

My tweaked version allows me to also have miso soup with homemade vegetable broth. I also may allow myself the occasional fruit smoothie, because headaches are no bueno for me.

Today is actually day 2. Yesterday I woke up with no appetite whatsoever (stress I think) and thought, might as well start today! Day 1 came and went without any problems. Today however I had an emotional meltdown that fell on the wrong people (I'm sorry). I know going without real solid food can cause one to become a bit grumpy, but if that continues I will have to call the cleanse off. Nobody wants a grumpy Liza!!

I've also just been stressed lately. I had a conversation with one of my best friends, and we talked about how we felt as if we hadn't been truly truly happy and content for quite a few years. Not that I haven't had extended times with a glowing and gleeful disposition, I have, but overall the 20's are rough.

Anyhoo, am I hoping to do the cleanse and come out a changed person? Yes! Will that happen? Probably not, but hopefully it will extract some good energies and sense of rejuvenation. Huzaaaawwhhh!! hehe : )

Let's hope I make it to day roommate's making paella tonight, and it's been a rough day...can she resist??? I'll let you know how it goes! Anyone else doing a summer cleanse??


  1. Mackenzie GunnelsMay 24, 2011 at 7:30 PM

    Let me know how it goes Lize! Miso sounds delicious right now. I'm not sure I could do a cleanse considering I ate almost an entire block of cheddar cheese today. Hope this helps you feel better!

  2. Thanks Kenz! Yeah, and to be honest I've heard a lot of mixed things about cleanses, so I'll let you know if I think it's worth it. mmmmm cheeeeeeese

  3. I can really identify with you Eliza. I'm feeling kinda lost and not so content or happy being at home after graduating. I am looking for that rejuvenation in summer as well. I have thought about cleanses not for a mental rejuvenation but merely to detox. Keep us posted! If it goes ok, I might just have to do it a try.P.S. I have an Aunt who does the Mastercleanse, for two weeks!!! Craziness

  4. I think the best thing I can encourage is to allow yourself time and not feel rushed. I've made some decisions that I regret because of feeling anxious and pressured, rather than allowing life the opportunity to take its course. It's tough though! You still thinking about coming to SF?? I am also hoping to detox as well. So far it's been easier than I thought, in terms of not eating, it just gets hard because naturally we want to participate in general eating, drinking, and general merriment with people, so putting a hiatus on that is hard!
