The Journaler

This, in some ways, is a window to my soul: my book is open. This is an honest reflection where I embrace the highs and lows, ups and downs, roller coaster of emotions I am often riding, the good, the bad, and the extremely ugly...but this is me, and this is my adventure...By revealing myself honestly I hope to inspire and encourage, because we all struggle sometimes and it's nice to know we're not alone. This is my experience as a small town girl living in a big city, trying to make my way while taking lots and lots of detours...

April 22, 2011

Movie Review: "Limitless"

One of my favorite things about Ventura is the $3.00 Regency, previously known as the Mann. It used to be a regular, downright expensive movie theatre, until someone had the bright idea to make it affordable. It was a great marketing decision as they couldn't quite compete with some of the nicer and newer theaters popping up in town. Now they are more popular than ever with great deals a'flowin. Wednesday is $10.00 "Date Night:" 2 admissions, 2 popcorns, and 2 sodas; good deal, no? And of course their all beef hotdogs are only a buck all day everyday. I myself do not partake in this hotdog deal; too good to be true? Eeeeyeaaahhh I would think so, but I'm a skeptic about such things - dollar hotdog screams "health hazard, eat at own risk!" to me - but many people think they're delish.

Anyway, on to my review....

Limitless, starring Bradley Cooper (*sigh*), love those blue eyes, Abbie Cornish, and Robert De Niro. I had never heard of this movie, probably because I don't get TV in San Francisco, which in and of itself is a good thing, so I was pleasantly surprised. Cooper, always the nice, fun, party guy, shows us a different side to his forte. De Niro is, well De Niro, and we love him for always being solid.

Cooper plays an aspiring writer who suffers from years of severe writer's block. Unable to produce a single word on paper, he wanders the streets looking like he belongs there with scraggly hair and dingy clothes, nothing to inspire him besides the comfort of a cool stiff drink. Dumped by his girlfriend who loves him but essentially tires of picking up the pieces of his crumbling life, we see a man who is really down on his luck.

That is until he bumps into his ex-brother in law who gives him the gift of an $800.00 a pop pill, ultimately unleashing the dragon within. The concept behind this magic pill, is that it gives one the ability to use every part of their brain. It is believed that humans use only about 10% of the brain. So you can imagine the serious advantage one might have if one could use their brain to the fullest capacity. He is suddenly "clear, " and quickly realizes that everything he's ever seen, known, or heard is perfectly organized into the file cabinet of his brain, and instantly retrievable. He learns the piano in three days, and half listening to a foreign language becomes fluent almost immediately. Suddenly the world is at his fingertips and there is nothing he can't do. He becomes, "limitless."

Nothing seems impossible, until of course, the consequences catch up with him and the fun begins....

On our way home from the theatre my family fought about what the "coolest" part of the movie was (haha). The cinematography is amazing and "motion" effects, unbelievable. My dad kept saying he felt like he was on a ride. In my opinion this is one of the more original films I've seen in a long time. It plays with an idea that hasn't really been toyed with before, not that I've seen at least. In one word it is "fun." I would see it again today! It's definitely a rental if you miss it in theaters, just be sure to watch it on the biggest screen you can find; buckle your seatbelt and enjoy the ride!

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